“The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.” Everybody waits Christmas time. It is what we all look forward to each year. It gives us a special feeling that is hard to explain. We get excited but where does this feeling really come from? Is it because of Jesus who is celebrating His birthday or is it because of the gifts we will receive? Does Jesus have a place in your heart especially on this day?
Christmas means “missa” or “mission of Christ”. It is a time of rejoicing and thanks to God who gave us Jesus the light of the world. His coming made a difference in the lives of those who believed and accepted Him thus making us children of light. The essence or spirit of Christmas is the time of Giving. Gifts are things that can make others happy. It is not so much the size or the quality that counts. Rather, it is the thought that matters. A gift is a symbol of love, of thoughtfulness, and a sign of one’s thankfulness in return for the good done. At Christmas, we also give food to the hungry, giving the poor something to wear and toys for the little ones to make them happy. The best gift that I can give to our community this Christmas is by joining the different activities to show my cooperation.
The glittering lights we enjoy during the season of Christmas remind us to be like those lights giving joy, peace, light and happiness to all those who see us. And let our hearts be thankful for the joy that this Christmas season brings.